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Cutting paper is an example of phisycal change.

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Q: Cutting paper into smaller pieces is an example of what?
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Related questions

Is cutting paper into tiny pieces a chemical or physical?

Cutting paper into tiny pieces is a psychical change. This is because the chemical properties of paper are left unchanged and the paper is only reduced to a fraction of its original size, which only affects its physical properties.

How can 12 students share 5 pieces of construction paper equally?

Yes. Cutting each paper into 3 equal size pieces gives 15 pieces of paper. Each student gets one piece and there are 3 left over. Cutting the 3 leftover pieces each into 4 equal size pieces gives 12 pieces of paper, one for each student. (1/3 + 1/12) x 12 = 5

What is difference between cut and burn paper?

Cutting paper involves using scissors or a blade to divide it into smaller pieces, while burning paper involves exposing it to high temperatures until it catches fire and turns to ashes. Cutting paper results in clean and precise edges, while burning paper can create a messy and charred residue.

Is cutting paper change in shape?

Take a piece of paper and cut it in half (anywhere will do) and you will have two pieces of paper - and your original piece of paper has changed shape.

Is tearing paper into smaller pieces a chemical change?

no... its a physical change

What type of picture is made from smaller pieces of paper?

a collage

What is the physical change of paper?

a physical change of paper is ex: ripping,cutting, and anything else to make the paper smaller, shorter, or less of what it was. tearing,

What would be an example of A3 paper?

a paper smaller than the average sized printer paper (A4)

What is an example of an irreversible chemical change?

Cutting down a tree. shredding of paper as well as same of the irreversible change

Is cutting paper a chemical?

Cutting paper is a physical change

How is card and paper recycled?

The card and paper are recycled industrially through various industrial processes. The card and paper are usually cut into smaller pieces and subjected to industrial processes.

What is correct pieces of papers or pieces of paper?

Piece of paper