This is a link that answers your question.
pi is the ratio between the radius and the circumference of the circle if the radius is 1 the circumference is pi
Pi is the number you get by dividing a circle's circumference by its diameter. It is irrational. It is 3.1415926535897. Every generation, people figured out another few didgets of pi.
it came from Sir Alan Pi in 1898. he died 1 day after discovering it through being sniped by a Barrett .50cal
a number
pi is a mathematical formula, or 3.14159265389793238462683. it relates to the diameter and circumference of a circle. i don't know the history but im sure its somwhere!answ2. There is currently a proposal to name 2 Pi as Tau, as this aids in many calculations. Watch this space. The ratio of the perimeter to the height of Khufu's Pyramid is 2 Pi.
pie is a pastery or dessert. theres many kinds of pie. but most pie is gross
brief history of personality
A Brief History... was created in 2002.
brief history of philippines
define or and brief on its evolution.
the brief history of librarianship
Wikipedia always has a brief history . you should check that out .