pi is a mathematical formula, or 3.14159265389793238462683. it relates to the diameter and circumference of a circle. i don't know the history but im sure its somwhere!
answ2. There is currently a proposal to name 2 Pi as Tau, as this aids in many calculations. Watch this space. The ratio of the perimeter to the height of Khufu's Pyramid is 2 Pi.
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Pi is an irrational number, meaning that is can not be written as a fraction with integers. If you are talking about the number 3.14, you can write it as 157/50, but this is not equal to pi. Pi is an infinite series of non-repeating decimals: Pi = 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288…
Archimedes (287-212 BC)
Additional mathematics is also called PI and was used in Ancient Egyptian civilizations. Pi helped the Egyptians plan the construction of the pyramids.
the symbol itself. 22/7 3.14159.....
When the question says "Write your answer in terms of pi.", it means that if you worked the problem correctly, then you had to use (pi) to solve it, and (pi) appears in the answer you have. They're telling you that it's OK to just leave it that way ... you don't have to keep going and figure out what the number is after you plug in the numerical value of (pi).
pi is the ratio between the radius and the circumference of the circle if the radius is 1 the circumference is pi
a number
it came from Sir Alan Pi in 1898. he died 1 day after discovering it through being sniped by a Barrett .50cal
This is a link that answers your question. http://www.gap-system.org/~history/HistTopics/Pi_through_the_ages.html
Pi is the number you get by dividing a circle's circumference by its diameter. It is irrational. It is 3.1415926535897. Every generation, people figured out another few didgets of pi.
// macro definitions: #define PI 3.14159265358979323846 #define CIRCUMFERENCE(radius) (2. * (radius) * PI) // use this as in CIRCUMFERENCE(21.34)
Pi is a number between 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510 and 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937511 First estimated by Greek mathematician Archimedes around 250 B.C., Chinese mathematician Zu Chong Zhi confirmed the actual value of pi. Pi is the ratio of the circumference to the diameter of a circle and appears as a constant in many mathematical expressions. It is represented by the symbol π. It has over 200 billion decimal places.
To write pi in LaTeX, you can use the command pi within a math environment like this: pi.
The history of pi dates back to ancient civilizations, such as the Babylonians and Egyptians, who approximated the value of pi. The first accurate calculation of pi was made by the Greek mathematician Archimedes in the 3rd century BC. The symbol for pi was introduced by the Welsh mathematician William Jones in the 18th century, and it has since become one of the most important mathematical constants in mathematics.
Pi is approximately 3.1415
Ratio of the perimeter of a circle (circumference) to its diameter
#define PI 3.1416 int r,area; area=2*PI*r