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The steps are to find the y-axis (dependent variable) and the x-axis (independent variable), then make a scale for your variables on the graph.

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Q: Describe the steps you would take in making a graph to show the relationship between two related variables?
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Why was there a need to invent linear equation in two variables?

If two variables are related, then the simplest relationship between them is a linear one. The linear equation expresses such a relationship.If two variables are related, then the simplest relationship between them is a linear one. The linear equation expresses such a relationship.If two variables are related, then the simplest relationship between them is a linear one. The linear equation expresses such a relationship.If two variables are related, then the simplest relationship between them is a linear one. The linear equation expresses such a relationship.

What does no trend mean?

Usually the expression is employed in the context of the relationship between a dependent variable and another variable. The latter may or may not be independent: often it is time but that is not necessary. In some cases there is some indication that that there is a linear relationship between the two variables and that relationship is referred to as a trend.Note that a trend is not the same as causation. There may appear to be a strong linear trend between two variables but the variables may not be directly related at all: they may both be related to a third variable. Also, the absence of linear trends does not imply that the variables are unrelated: there may be non-linear relationships.

What does a straight line tells you on a line graph?

It tells you that the two variables in the graph change together at the same rate. There may or may not be a causal relationship between the tw variables: both could be related to a third variable which is not part of the graph.

Why use correlation coefficient?

It tells you if there is a relationship between two variables in a set of data, and if so, what kind of relationship. The correlation coefficient, r, can be between -1 and 1. If r = 1, there is exact direct variation (when x goes up, y goes up; the relationship is represented by a line with a slope of 1) If r = -1, there is exact inverse variation (when x goes up, y goes down; the relationship is represented by a line with a slope of -1) If r = -1, the variables aren't related. If r = some other number between -1 and 1, the relationship is correspondingly stronger or weaker.

What is the meaning of zero correlation?

If variables have zero correlation, they do not have a linear relationship. Zero correlation shows that two things were not found to be related.

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Why was there a need to invent linear equation in two variables?

If two variables are related, then the simplest relationship between them is a linear one. The linear equation expresses such a relationship.If two variables are related, then the simplest relationship between them is a linear one. The linear equation expresses such a relationship.If two variables are related, then the simplest relationship between them is a linear one. The linear equation expresses such a relationship.If two variables are related, then the simplest relationship between them is a linear one. The linear equation expresses such a relationship.

What is something that shows how variables are related?

relationship between hypotheses and theories

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Steps to create a graph to show relationship between 2 related variables?


What does a relationship between two correlated variables have?

Correlation between two variables implies a linear relationship between them. The existence of correlation implies no causal relationship: the two could be causally related to a third variable. For example, my age is correlated with the number of TV sets in the UK but obviously there is no causal link between them - they are both linked to time.

What does no trend mean?

Usually the expression is employed in the context of the relationship between a dependent variable and another variable. The latter may or may not be independent: often it is time but that is not necessary. In some cases there is some indication that that there is a linear relationship between the two variables and that relationship is referred to as a trend.Note that a trend is not the same as causation. There may appear to be a strong linear trend between two variables but the variables may not be directly related at all: they may both be related to a third variable. Also, the absence of linear trends does not imply that the variables are unrelated: there may be non-linear relationships.

What is the relationship between a hypothesis and a theory?

The relationship between theories, concepts, and hypothesis is that a theory is a model of how concepts are related, the concepts are categorical ideas that are represented by our variables and hypothesis are predictions of how concepts are related, often deduced from a theory.

What two variables is acceleration dependent on and what is the relationship between these variables and acceleration?

Acceleration is change of velocity per unit time. Acceleration =(v2 - v1)/t. It is also related to force and mass: F = ma.

What does a straight line tells you on a line graph?

It tells you that the two variables in the graph change together at the same rate. There may or may not be a causal relationship between the tw variables: both could be related to a third variable which is not part of the graph.

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The relationship where 2 variables move in the same direction are called what?

A direct correlation, it appears as a straight line on a graph and occurs when variables are related as y=xk.

What is the relationship between independent and dependent variables?

Depends on the experiment - there may be no relationship. Typically proportional, inversly proportional, proportional to the log and similar are given in set experiments at schools. So a staight line going up and straingt line going down or a curve of some sort when drawn as a line graph.