There are an infinite number of lengths and widths that can be multiplied to get to 60 square units.
1 x 60
4 x 15
2.5 x 24
0.1 x 600
5 x 12
0.5 x 120
etc. etc.
Number of factor pairs = number of rectangles
As I understand it, the number of factor pairs is equal to the number of rectangles.
One to one.
I would draw two open pizza boxes that did contain eight-slice pizzas, and show that five slices are gone from one of the pizzas.
i could tell you how but here is a link that will show you how to draw him
Squares are equilaterals (same length on every side) Rectangles could be called parallelograms but the parallel lines are the same. It's hard to explain but I could show you. _______________ | | |______________| equal on parallel sides.
i could tell you how but here is a link that will show you how to draw him
Try the Statue of Liberty.
his personality: Conceited you could draw a dark person looking away from the drawer, to show that nothing else maters.
normal curve
Anson Williams
Can you show me how to draw an alcohol lamp?