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No they do not, take a big Prime number and compare it to a smaller composite number. The number 6833 as only two factors (divisors), namely 1 and itself. But the number 68 which is much smaller has more factors or divisors. 68 has 2 and 4 and 17 and 1 and itself which is already more divisors than 6833.

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Q: Do bigger numbers necessarily have more divisors?
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How do you put decimals in lowest to highest?

well look at the decimals if the first is bigger than its usally bigger the more numbers the smaller it is

What are 2 almost perfect numbers between 5 and 20?

Perfect numbers are numbers where all the factors add to that number. For example 6's factors are 1,2, and 3 and 1+2+3=6. Therefore the next perfect number isn't until 28 which is 1,2, 4, 7, 14 where 1+2+4+7+14= 28 An almost perfect number is a number which, when adding all of its proper divisors (all divisors except himself), gives you one less, or one more then the number itlself. Up to now all known almost perfect numbers are 2^n. So to answer your question, the 2 almost perfect numbers between 5 and 20 are 8 and 16. Divisors of 8: 1,2,4 -----> 1+2+4=7 Divisors of 16: 1,2,4,8 -----> 1+2+4+8=15

Do larger numbers always have more prime factors?

Not necessarily. 73 has far fewer prime factors than 72.

Why should all the numbers be prime or composite?

Not all numbers are either prime or composite. The number 1/2 is neither prime nor composite. If you are referring only to the natural or counting numbers, note that every natural number is equal to the product of itself and 1 so each number has at least one divisor, itself. If it has no more divisors, then it is prime. If it has more than itself as a divisor, then it is composite.

Is the cube of a number bigger than the square of a number?

-- If the number is more than ' 1 ', then yes. -- If the number is ' 1 ' or less, including negative numbers, then no.

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Composite numbers have more than two of what?

Divisors. Primes are divisible by themselves, and one. Composite numbers also have other divisors.

What are numbers with more than two divisors?


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Well, not necessarily.

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Not necessarily. For example a balloon is bigger than a baseball, but which weighs more?

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Assuming I understand your question, the answer is not necessarily. For example, the factors of 24 are 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, but the only factor of 25 is 5.

What numbers less than 100 have 3 divisors?

All numbers of the from p2 where p is a prime. So 4, 9, 25 and 49. All the rest have fewer or more.

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There are eight divisors of 54: 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 18, 27, 54.

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149162536496481100121144169196225256289324361400------------The above numbers are squares not perfect numbers. A perfect number n is one that is equal to the proper divisors of n. Here are the first few:628496812833550336858986905613743869132823058430081399521282658455991569831744654692615953842176191561942608236107294793378084303638130997321548169216I don't know if more of them are known. For more information see

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What are coprimes?

Coprimes, or relative primes, are two or more numbers that share no common divisors. To determine whether numbers are relatively prime, find their greatest common denominaotr. If it's one, they're coprime.

Bigger the hurricane the more intense?

Not necessarily. Hurricane Charley in 2004 was relatively small but was a category 4.

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To answer this question as it is written: not necessarily. An organism (bacterium) can be smaller than tissue (the cartilage in my ears). By definition, an organism is more COMPLEX than a tissue, but not necessarily bigger.