

Do radicals represent irrational numbers

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Sometimes. The square root of 2 is, but the square root of 9 is not.

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Q: Do radicals represent irrational numbers
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Are all irrational numbers radical?

No they are not. The numbers Pi and e are irrational and are not radicals. There are many others.

What is irrational and radicals?

what are irrational and radicals and rationals

What numbers represent irrational numbers?

These are the numbers which cannot be expressed as ratios of two integers.

Can irrational numbers represent on a number line?

No ,irrational no can not be represented on no line because it is not of the form p/

Can you represent an irrational number on a number line?

Irrational numbers can be graphed at a number line, but only as an estimation.

What is the sign for a never-ending number?

"never-ending number" is ambiguous. You could either mean an infinite number, or an irrational number. For infinite numbers, you could use the Hebrew letter Aleph - which is used to represent the cardinal numbers of infinite sets of finite numbers. For irrational numbers, as far as I know there is no commonly accepted symbol to represent them.

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They are irrational numbers!

What are irrational numbers and why are they irrational?

They are numbers that are infinite

How can the pythagorean spiral be used to show the exact value of an irrational number?

It cannot. It can only show square roots which represent only a small proportion of irrational numbers.

What is a statement irrational numbers?

Irrational numbers are real numbers.

Are rational numbers is an irrational numbers?

yes * * * * * No. Rational and irrational numbers are two DISJOINT subsets of the real numbers. That is, no rational number is irrational and no irrational is rational.

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