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No. Because to have an angle you must have adjoining sides.

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Q: Do some polygons have a greater number of angles than sides?
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Does a polygon have more sides or angles why?

Polygons have an equal number of sides and angles.

Does a polygon has more number of sides or angles?

All polygons have an equal number of sides and angles.

Does a polygon usully have more sides or more angles explain?

Polygons have the same number of sides and angles.

What are convex polygons with congruent sides and congruent angles?

Convex polygons with congruent sides and congruent angles are called regular polygons.

Can two similar polygons be congruent polygons?

Yes. The polygons must be congruent. They must have an even number of sides and angles. -alessandra

How many angles in a 12 sided polygon?

All polygons have the same number of sides as angles. So if there are 12 sides, thereare 12 angles.

What are the diff. polygons and the sum of the interior angles of a polygon?

There are infinitely many polygons: they can n sides where n is any integer greater than 2.The sum of the interior angles of a polygon with n sides is (n - 2)*180 degrees.

How many angles are in a 12 sided polygon?

All polygons have the same number of sides as angles. So if there are 12 sides, thereare 12 angles.

What are two regular polygons?

two polygons with sides that have all equal sides and angles

Are any two regular polygons with the same number of sides similar?

Yes, regular polygons will have all sides equal length, and all angles the same. If two polygons of the same number of sides are 'regular' then those two polygons will be similar (they may be scaled, for example).

Do polygons have more sides than angles?

They have the same amount of sides and angles

What do all polygons look like with their names?

They are named for the number of sides and angles their shape posses. For example, an octagon has both eight sides and angles.