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They have the same amount of sides and angles

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Q: Do polygons have more sides than angles?
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Why do polygons usually have more sides than angles?

They don't... They have as many sides as angles

What polygons have more sides than angles?

not possible

Which shape has obtuse angles?

All regular polygons with more than 4 sides.

Do some polygons have a greater number of angles than sides?

No. Because to have an angle you must have adjoining sides.

What types of angles in nonagon?

Obtuse. All regular polygons with more than 4 sides are obtuse-angled. Why? Think about a square...

Explain why regular polygons with more than 6 sides will not tessellate?

The tessellating polygons must meet at a point. At that point, the sum of the interior angles of the polygons must 360 degrees - the sum of angles around any point. Therefore, each interior angle must divide 360 evenly. The interior angles of regular polygons with 7 or more sides lie in the range (120, 180) degrees and so cannot divide 360.

What does not have right angles and whose measures are larger than a right angle?

Any regular polugon with 5 or more sides. Many irregular polygons with 5 or more sides will also meet the requirements.

Shape which has equal sides?

An equilateral triangle. For polygons with 4 or more sides there are more than one possiblilities (square and rhombus for quadrilaterals) and there is no single name for such shapes. "Regular" requires equal angles which is NOT a requirement of the question.

What shapes are polygons and non polygons?

most polygons have 4 sides but they can also have 3 sides non polygons can have 8 9 or 12 sides The above answer is total rubbish. The following is mostly correct except that a polygon must have straight sides so you cannot have a polygon with two sides. Answer: a polygon is a closed figure having any number of sides more than one. (poly=many) A polygon with 3 sides is a triangle. A polygon with four sides might be a square, rhombus, rectangle or something completely irregular. Angles do not have to be right angles. A figure that is not enclosed ( a squiggle, a semicircle, any open figure) is not a polygon.

What are the diff. polygons and the sum of the interior angles of a polygon?

There are infinitely many polygons: they can n sides where n is any integer greater than 2.The sum of the interior angles of a polygon with n sides is (n - 2)*180 degrees.

What is a name for a polygon with more than 8 sides?

There is no collective name for the infinite family of polygons with more than 8 sides.

Marcus says that the sum of the exterior angles of a decagon is greater than that of a heptagon because a decagon has more sides. Liam says that the sum of the exterior angles for both polygons is the?

The sum of the exterior angles of any polygon is always 360 degrees.