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Q: Do you feel the trend towards diverse families is positive or negative?
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What is a positive and negative tropisms?

A positive tropism is something that bends with gravity or bends towards the light or the roots grow towards water. A negative tropism does the exact opposite.

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How can negative attitudes towards a product be changed?

Well, maybe if you keep trying the product and maybe grow to like it, than there will be a positive attitude towards it instead of a negative attitude.

How is positive and negative numbers used?

The way to look at positive and negative numbers is to imagine them as if they are on a numberline. Positives will go up the timeline, and towards 100. Negatives will go down (to the left) of the timeline.

Why are polar liquids always attracted towards the charged rod and not repelled?

because they have a positive and negative end

Why current flowing from positive to negative?

because current flows in the opposite direction of the flow of electron.since electrons are negatively charged particle they moves towards the positive and hence current flows in the opposite direction to the flow of electrons (that is from positive to negative)

Which atomic particle carries a positive charge?

it would be probably cation as it carries a positive charge in electrolysis and is attracted towards negative electrode

Disadvantages of positive discrimination?

A positive discrimination towards a group in society will result in a negative discrimination towards an other group in society. For example; positive discrimination towards women will result on a negative discrimination on men. Implying such a system will go against equality of citizenship. Putting women on boards of power because of the nature of their gender and to compensate for past exploitation, will be unfair towards men who worked as hard, or maybe harder, to achieve the same position.

Do the rays produced in cathode tube deflect towards negative plate?

The electron beam produced in the cathode is essentially negative (with respect to the anode), therefore it tends to go towards potentials above the cathode's potential (more positive or less negative, as you wish).

What is the sign convention for the cathode and anode in an electrolytic cell?

Anode is the positive electrode while cathode is the negative electrode. Negative ions(anions) travel towards the anode(hence the name) Positive ions(cations) travel towards the cathode(hence the name) Example for anode:Copper Example for cathode:Zinc

Negative and positive traits of filipino as an employee?

Positive traits of Filipino employees include hardworking, respectful, and adaptable. On the other hand, negative traits may involve a tendency towards complacency, hesitance in expressing opinions, and a strong preference for hierarchical structures.

Does current always go from positive to negative?

We call this Conventional Current Flow, where imaginary positively charged particles are repelled away from a positive charge and attracted towards a negative charge.The reality is that electrons are actually flowing through the conductor. Electrons are negatively charged particles and flow from negative to positive. It's just easier to think of a positive current flowing than a negative current.