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Q: Does Uranus have a greater mass than Earth?
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How many planets has mass that is greater than the mass of earth?

Four planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune, have mass greater than that of the Earth.

How many planets have a mass that is greater than the mass of Earth?

Four in our solar system: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.

Does Uranus is wearker or stonger gravity then earth?

Gravity is a correlation of mass. Uranus is many times larger than Earth. Therefore, the gravity on Uranus is much stronger than Earth's gravity.

What planets have more mass than earth?

Uranus, Neptune, Saturn, and all have more mass than Earth.

Does Uranus have a greater gravitational force than earth?

Absolutely not.

Is Uranus' density less or greater than earth's?

As compared to Earth the density of URANUS is less, since Uranus is one among the gaseous planets.

Is Uranus Bigger than Neptune?

The Radius from the Center of Neptune is 24,622 km, (15,299 mi) while it is 25,362 km, (15,759 mi) for Uranus. So Uranus is bigger than Neptune, but Neptune has a greater mass. In other words Neptune is smaller but denser. Neptune has a radius of 3.88 Earth radii while Neptune has a radius of 4.01 Earth radii. In terms of mass, Neptune is 17.15 Earth masses while Uranus has 14.536 Earth masses.

Is the mass of the moon greater than the mass of the earth?

No. The mass of the moon is a fraction of the earth's mass.

What is the mass of Uranus compared to earth?

The answer is Earth's surface gravity is a bit stronger than Uranus's.Uranus has an acceleration due to gravity of about 8.7m/s², whereas Earth has an acceleration due to gravity of about 9.8m/s².The approximate conversion for weight from Earth to Uranus would beEarth weight x 0.889.If you weighed 100lb on Earth you would weigh about 88.9lb on Uranus.Source: NASA's "Planetary Fact Sheet".Uranus has a mass somewhere around 8.7 * 10^26 kg, which is about 140 times the mass of Earth. However, its radius is also much larger than Earth's (about 8.1 times that of Earth). When you plug these numbers into the Universal Gravitation Law equation, you get an acceleration due to gravity of about 7.8 m/s^2. Earth's acceleration due to gravity is 9.81 m/s^2. Thus, Uranus's gravity is somewhat weaker than Earth's.Uranus' gravity compared to earth is 89% of what you would expreience on Earth.

Why moon has less g value then earth?

The moons gravity is less than that of the earth, since the earths mass is greater than the moons mass. Gravity is related to mass and distance from that mass. The greater the mass, the greater the gravitational field it has.

What is the characteristic of the earth that causes it to have greater gravity than the moon?

Gravity of any body is directly proportional to its mass,since the mass of earth is greater than that of moon so earth has greater gravity.

Why is the force of gravity on Earth greater than Pluto?

Earth has a much greater mass than Pluto does, and therefore has stronger gravity.