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no all equal sides touch each other

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Q: Does a eqailateral triangle have any parallel sides?
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Does an isosceles triangle have any parallel sides?

No it has no parallel sides.

Does an equilateral triangle have one pair of parallel sides?

It is impossible for a triangle to have any parallel sides. ■

What polygon doesn't have any parallel sides?

A triangle need not have any parallel sides.

Does a triangle have any parallel sides?


How many pairs of parallel lines that a triangle have?

A triangle can never have any parallel sides.

How many parallel sides does a right angled trangle have?

A right angle triangle has no parallel sides

How many parallel sides does a triangle have?

Answer: 2 parallel lines you dig Answer: None of the sides can be parallel to any of the other sides.

How many parallel sides has a equilataral triangle got?

A triangle, no matter the type, can never have any parallel sides. To try this out, draw any two parallel lines on a sheet of paper and try to make a triangle out of it.

How many parrellel sides does an acute triangle have?

None because no triangle has any parallel sides.

How many parallel lines are in an equilateral triangle?

None of the sides of any triangle are parallel. However, you can draw an infinite number of parallel lines inside any triangle.

Where are the parallel sides of a polygon?

The parallel sides of a polygon are sides that are segments of parallel lines. A polygon need not have any parallel lines. A triangle, for example, is a polygon that cannot have parallel lines.

How many parallel lines doses a trangle have?

A triangle cannot have any parallel sides.