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No, opposite sides are equal.

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Q: Does a parrelogram have all sides congruent?
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What is a parrelogram with all sides the same length?


Is a hexagon a parrelogram?

No, all parallelograms are quadrangles or quadrilaterals which have 4 sides. Hexagons have 6 sides.

Does a rectangle have all congruent sides?

No, rectangles do not have congruent sides. Squares have congruent sides.

How many congruent sides does a polygon have?

It all depends on what kind of polygon it is. It may have no congruent sides or all congruent sides.

What figure has all sides congruent?

All regular shapes have congruent sides.

What is the relationship between opposite sides of a parrelogram?

They are parallel sides that are equal in length

Does a hexagon has all of its sides congruent?

Yes! All six sides of a hexagon are congruent. It doesn't have to have all sides congruent. A hexagon only needs six sides to be a hexagon.

Parallelogram with congruent sides and all right angles?

All sides congruent = square Two pairs of mutually congruent sides = rectangle

Can a parallelogram have all congruent sides?

Yes.A parallelogram with all congruent sides is called a rhombus. A square is technically a parallelogram with all congruent sides as well.

How much sides does an isosceles have that are congruent?

iscosolese triangle: 2 congruent sides and one that is not congruent Scalene: all un congruent equaladeral: all congruent

Are angles and sides of a parallelogram congruent?

In all parallelograms, opposite angles and opposite sides are congruent. If all four sides are congruent, it's a rhombus. If all four angles are congruent, it's a rectangle. If all four sides and all four angles are congruent, it's a square.

Are all corresponding sides and angles congruent?

Corresponding sides and angles are not all congruent.