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it can, or it can have three a polygon is a closed figure with at least three angles and three sides and no curves.

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Q: Does a polygon have more than 4 sizes?
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Polygon A is a square. Polygon B has 4 more sides than polygon A. What type of polygon is B?

Polygon B is an octagon.

What is the polygon name for 4 sizes?


Which shapes have more than two diagonals?

Any polygon with more than 4 sides.

Why is a rectangle a polygon?

A polygon is any geometric figure with more than one side. And since a rectangle has 4 sides, it is a polygon. To be more specific, it is a quadralateral

What polygon has angles more than 90 degrees?

Any regular polygon with more than 4 sides has angles of more than 90 degrees. Some examples would be:PentagonHeptagonOctagonNonagonDecagonDodecagon

What has more than 4 equal corner?

Any regular polygon with more than 4 sides with have all its corners (vertices) equal. Furthermore, an irregrular polygon with more than four sides can always have four equal vertices.

What is a polygon with 4 congruent sides?

If 4 is all the sides it has and they're all congruent, then it's a rhombus.ANY polygon with more than 4 sides can have 4 congruent ones.

Which polygon has more than 5 vertices?

Every polygon that is not a triabgle (3 vertices), quadrilateral (4 vertices) or pentagon (5 vertices) has more than 5 vertices.

A plane figure bounded by more than 4 sides is known as a?


What is a polygon with 4 angles all different sizes what shape is it?

It is called a quadrilateral. This is the general term for a four-sided polygon, but if at least two sides are equal or two angles are equal, it has a more specific name.

Does a polygon always have 4 sides?

No, A polygon is a closed geometric figure whose sides are nothing more than line segments. Each corner of a polygon where two sides intersect is called a vertex of the polygon.

What polygon always has a right angle?

Any polygon with 4 or more sides can always have a right angle.