

Does a simple curve cross over itself?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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15y ago

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A path C is simple if it doesn't cross itself. A circle is a simple curve while a figure 8 type curve is not simple. (

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Q: Does a simple curve cross over itself?
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One method of determining whether the pH and alkalinity are properly adjusted to produce stable, non‑corrosive water is with the Baylis Curve. Plotting the pH and alkalinity of the water on this chart will indicate whether the water is corrosive or not. If the point where the pH and alkalinity cross is below the curve (dark gray area) the water is corro­sive and will attack metal tanks and pipes in the system. If the point is above the curve the water is not corrosive but does have excessive amounts of alkalinity present, which will cause the formation of lime scale in the lines. This scale formation can restrict the flow of water in the line if al­lowed to build up over a long period of time and can be as bad for the system as corrosive water. When the point falls within the dotted lines or on the curve itself, the water is stable and will not cause corrosion problems.