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no it does not have equal sides. two lines on top are equal, but not with the ones on the side. the ones on the side are equal as well.just not with the ones on the top.

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Q: Does a trapezoid have four sides of equal length?
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The difference between a Rhombus and a trapezoid?

A rhombus has all four sides of equal length and opposite pairs of sides are parallel; A trapezoid only has one pair of parallel sides and can have 0, 2 or 3 sides of equal length.

Does a trapezoid has 5 sides?

no it has four sides, two short sides equal in length. a base that's longest and a shorter top.

Can a trapezoid have four equal sides?


How is a trapezoid different from a rhombus?

A rhombus has two pairs of parallel sides; all four sides are of equal length. A trapezoid has one pair of parallel sides, the other two sides are not parallel.

How is a trapazoid different form a square?

All four sides of a square are of equal length. That is not true of a trapezoid.

What is a four sided figure with two pairs of adjacent sides of equal length with opposite sides not equal in length?

I Am pretty sure it's a triangle(: No it's not a triangle has 3 sides i think its a trapezoid.

What is the difference between an isosceles trapezoid and an isosceles triangle?

An Isosceles trapezoid has four sides (is a quadrilateral) with a pair of parallel sides and the other two sides of equal length; whereas An isosceles triangle has three sides with a pair of sides of the same length and the other side a different length.

How do you describe a trapezoid by dimensions?

A trapezoid is a quadrilateral shape that has four sides of unequal lengths two of which are parallel to each other. An isosceles trapezoid also has two parallel sides but with two other sides being of equal length.

What is the difference between a square and a trapazoid?

All four sides of a square are of equal length. A trapezoid can have at most three.

What has four sides of equal length?

A Square has four equal length sides

You are a flat side you have four sides my sides are not all equal what are you?


What is a four-sided polygon with no equal sides or equal angles?
