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All four sides of a square are of equal length. A trapezoid can have at most three.

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Q: What is the difference between a square and a trapazoid?
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Related questions

Is a square a trapazoid?

No, a square is not a trapezoid.

Can a trapazoid be a square?

Not normally

Is a square a type of trapazoid?


Is a square always trapazoid?

No, a square is never a trapezoid.

What is the difference between a rectangle and a trapazoid?

A rectangle has four right angles. A trapezoid can have at most two.

What is a difference between a triangle and a trapazoid?

the difference between a triangle and a trapozoid is that a triangle has 3 sides and corners and a trapozid has 4 sides and corners.Also a triangle is a triangle and a trapoizd is a quadrillateral.

You are a quadrangle you have four right angles you are not a square what are you?

You are a Trapazoid

Can a square and a trapazoid ever the same area?


The difference between a rohombus and a trapazoid?

All four sides of a rhombus are congruent. A trapezoid can have at most three congruent sides.

The difference between a rhombus and a trapazoid?

All four sides of a rhombus are congruent. A trapezoid can have at most three congruent sides.

What is the difference between a trapazoid and a rectangle?

All four angles of a rectangle are right angles. A trapezoid can have at most two right angles.

Is a trapazoid ever a square?

yes it is always a trapzoid ,I learned that from