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I Am pretty sure it's a triangle(: No it's not a triangle has 3 sides i think its a trapezoid.

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Q: What is a four sided figure with two pairs of adjacent sides of equal length with opposite sides not equal in length?
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I am a quadrilateral that has 4 right angles. My opposite sides are parallel and of equal length. What figure am I?

A quadrilateral with 4 right angles and opposite sides that are parallel can be either a rectangle if the adjacent sides are of different length or a square if the adjacent sides are of the same length.

Does a rectangle has adjacent sides equal?

No, a rectangle has opposite side which are equal in length.

What angles does a parallogram have?

A parallelogram is a four-sided figure with opposite sides of equal length and angles not equal to 90 degrees (otherwise it would be a rectangle). Diagonally opposite angles will be equal, and adjacent angles will add up to 180 degrees.

What is the different between a kite and a parallelogram?

Both shapes have 4 sides, two pairs equal in length. In a parallelogram the equal length sides are opposite each other. In a kite the equal length sides are adjacent.

Are some parallelograms are kites?

In a parallelogram the opposite sides are equal in length. In a kite two pairs of adjacent sides are equal in length.

How do you calculate tangent of an angle?

the tangent of an angle is equal to the length of the opposite side from the angle divided by the length of the side adjacent to the angle.

What are the properties of different types of quadrilaterals?

A quadrilateral is any plane figure bounded by four straight lines. Within this definition are special shapes. The Parallelogram : has both pairs of opposite sides parallel (and opposite sides are equal in length). The Rhombus : is a parallelogram with all its sides of equal length. The Rectangle : is a parallelogram with each of its vertex angles equal to 90° (and opposite sides are of equal length). The Square : is a rectangle with all its sides of equal length. The Trapezium : is a quadrilateral with only one pair of parallel sides - which are NOT of equal length. The Isosceles Trapezium : is a trapezium with its two non parallel sides equal in length. The Kite : is a quadrilateral with two pairs of adjacent sides equal in length

Why are squares classified as rectangles?

By definition a rectangle is a four-sided figure whose opposite sides are equal in length and corners are right angles. The definition doesn't say anything about the lengths of adjacent sides, though. A square has the same definition as a rectangle with the added criterion that adjacent sides are also equal in length. That means a square is a more-specific type of rectangle.

How is a rectangle different from a square?

All four sides of a square are equal in length. Only the opposite sides of a rectangle are the same length. The adjacent sides are different in length.

What is the term for a figure that has all sides are equal in length and opposite angles are congruent?

It is a Rhombus.

What is the name of a four sided shape with both pairs of adjacent sides equal in length?

Parallelogram is a quadrilateral with opposite sides both parallel and equal in length - commonly known as a rectangle.

When building square column forms are opposite sides equal or adjacent sides equal?

Is this a trick question? Answer: All things being equal, they are all equal. ;) But seriously, if you are trying to figure the hypotenuse to check for squareness, simply measure each diagonal until they are equal and forget about Pythagoras. Then you are all square and equal, opposite and adjacent. Yehaw!