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No because the numerator and the denominator must be multiplied or divided by the same number for a given equivalent fraction

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Q: Does adding the same nonzero number to the numerator and denominator of a fraction produce an equivalent fraction?
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Multiply numerator and denominator by the same number - any nonzero number - and you get an equivalent fraction.There are infinite answers, but here are a few:14/18, 21/27, 32/36

What is a nonzero fraction?

Any fraction that has a zero as the numerator equals zero. Any fraction that does not have a zero in the numerator would be a nonzero fraction.

Why is multiplying or dividing the numerator and denominator by the same nonzero number the same as multiplying or dividing the fraction the fraction by 1?

Because doing so is equivalent to multiplying or dividing by x/x, which can be cancelled down to 1.

Does adding the same nonzero number to the numerator and denominator of a fraction produces and equivalent fractions?

No, multiplying does. 2/4 does not equal 4/6 2/4 equals 4/8

Why is multiplying or dividing the numerator and denominator by the same nonzero number the same as multiplying or dividing the fraction by 1?

because of mathematical equivalence: it doesn't change the result

If you multiply or divide the numerator and denominator of a ratio by the same nonzero number you get a?

Equal ratio

What is an equivalent fraction with an answer of 25 in distributive property?

The distributive property is not related to finding equivalent fractions. The distributive property is a rule that states a(b + c) is equal to ab + ac. It is used to simplify expressions and perform operations like multiplication or addition. To find an equivalent fraction, you would need to multiply or divide the numerator and denominator by the same nonzero number.

Why is multiplying or dividing the numerator and denominator by the same nonzero number the same as muiplying o viding the fraction by 1?

Because the ratio between the two numbers is not changed when you multiply both by the same non-zero number.

Why the definition of a fraction restricts the denominator to being a nonzero integer?

Because division by zero is not defined and if the denominator were zero, we would be dividing by zero.

Why are natural numbers rational numbers?

Natural numbers are a special kind of Rational numbers. Rational numbers can be expressed as a fraction. (Positive) fractions with the same (nonzero) numerator and denominator are natural numbers, for example 9/9 = 1.

What kind of number that cannot be written with an integer numerator and nonzero integer denominator called in math?

This kind of number is called "irrational", meaning (to a mathematician!) "not a ratio."

Definition for like denominator?

Like denominator is the same denominator as the nonzero numbers.