

Does any rectangle have 3 lines of symmetry?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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10y ago

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A rectangle has 2 lines of symmetry whereas a square has 4 lines of symmetry

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Q: Does any rectangle have 3 lines of symmetry?
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Does a rectangle have 3 lines of symmetry?

No, a non-square rectangle has two: the horizontal and the vertical. A square has four lines of symmetry: the horizontal, the vertical, and two diagonal lines.

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Squares, which are parallelograms, have four lines of symmetry. Rectangles have only two. Rhombi have two lines of symmetry. Generic parallelograms don't have any lines of symmetry.None normally unless it is in the shape of a rectangle in which case it will have 2 lines of symmetry

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What figure has two lines of symmetry?

Equilateral Triangles (3 lines of symmetry)Rectangles (at least 2 lines of symmetry)Squares (4 lines of symmetry)Rhombuses (at least 2 lines of symmetry)Any regular polygon (at least 5 lines of symmetry)

How do you show 3 lines of symmetry?

An equilateral triangle has 3 lines of symmetry

How many lines of symmetry does a triangle?

That depends on what type of triangle it is because an equilateral triangle has 3 lines of symmetry whereas an isosceles triangle has only 1 line of symmetry and any other triangles have no lines of symmetry.

How many planes of symmetry does a rectangle have?

There are 3 planes of symmetry in a rectange.

How many lines of symmetry has equilateral triangle?

It has 3 lines of symmetry

What are the three lines of symmetry?

An equilateral triangle has 3 lines of symmetry