

Does music affect the way people do math?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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Supposedly if you play a musical instrument you're meant to be good at maths.

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Yes, rap music does affect people. As most rap songs are about money, drugs, girls, clubs, and whatnot, it can affect one to want to do things involving those things. However, not all rap songs affect people in that way. Some rap songs aren't about those things, which songs that don't are more likely to not really affect people.

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How does music affect your lives?

One way that music affects your life is that it is played in church so people can sing to God. Music also affects lives because it keeps people from being bored while driving their car.

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Does music help with school?

yes it does! that was actually a great question! music helps in math, science, and history. Math: music helps with timing and simple math problems. like how many beats are in a given measure. Science: what causes certain notes to come out the way they do. History: how long ago was it that music became popular.

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They invented math games so people can practice their math in a more fun way.

Does loud music affect your concentration?

I think loud music doesn't affect your concentration. In some cases the rhythm of the music can cause a certain concentration. Then the way you remember the music you'll be able to remember what you were doing.