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The period of a pendulum is (sort of) independent of the amplitude. This is technically true for very small, "infinitesimal" swings. In this range, amplitude does not affect period. For larger swings, however, a circular error is introduced, but it is possible to compensate with various designs. See the Related Link below for further information.

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Q: Does the amplitude affect the period of the pendulum?
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Does amplitude effect the period of a pendulum?

no it doesnt affect the period of pendulum. the formulea that we know for simple pendulum is T = 2pie root (L/g)

How does the amplitude of the pendulum affect the pendulum?

It messes up the math. For large amplitude swings, the simple relation that the period of a pendulum is directly proportional to the square root of the length of the pendulum (only, assuming constant gravity) no longer holds. Specifically, the period increases with increasing amplitude.

What are the factors that affect the period of a pendulum?

In an ideal pendulum, the only factors that affect the period of a pendulum are its length and the acceleration due to gravity. The latter, although often taken to be constant, can vary by as much as 5% between sites. In a real pendulum, the amplitude will also have an effect; but if the amplitude is relatively small, this can safely be ignored.

How does amplitude of a pendulum affect frequency?

it doesnt affect the amplitude as the mass and length remain constant

What will be the effect of time period of a simple pendulum if its mass is doubled and its amplitude is halved?

The PERIOD of a Simple Pendulum is affected by its LENGTH, and NOT by its Mass or the amplitude of its swing. So, in your case, the Period of the Pendulum's swing would remain UNCHANGED!

How does the amplitude of a pendulum affect it's swing?

it doesn't

How does height affect the period of a pendulum?

Height does not affect the period of a pendulum.

Why does the period of a pendulum not depend on the amplitude?

Actually, the period of a pendulum does depend slightly on the amplitude. But at low amplitudes, it almost doesn't depend on the amplitude at all. This is related to the fact that in such a case, the restoring force - the force that pulls the pendulum back to its center position - is proportional to the displacement. That is, if the pendulum moves away further, the restoring force will also be greater.

Does a period of a pendulum depend on the amplitude?

For very little swings, no, the period is unrelated to the amplitude. For larger swings, however, the period increases slightly due to circular error.

How do the parameters of a simple pendulum affect the period of a pendulum?

The period increases as the square root of the length.

How does the amplitude of oscillation of a pendulum varies with time?

The change of amplitude affects the time of one cycle of a pendulum if the amplitude is big. In such a case, time increases as amplitude increases. In the case of a small amplitude, the time is very slightly affected by amplitude and is considered negligible.

Why does the period length of a pendulum increase when its amplitude is increased?

If you'll do some careful measurements, you'll find that it doesn't happen that way.The period of a pendulum depends on its length, but not on how far you pull it to start it swinging.