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the inequality sign will only change in an equation if you are multiplying or dividing by a negative number...

for example if you have the equation -1x+2>3 you would subtract by 2

you would have -1x>1

the next step is -1x>1

-1 -1

your dividing by -1 so the sign flips from greater than to less than (it can go less than to greater than too) and your final answer would be x<-1

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Q: Does the inequality sign change with equations?
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Why does the inequality sign change when both sides are multilpied or divided by a negative number.Does this happen to equations?

It changes because the number may be lesser than the original equation. The greater the negative number the more likely the inequality sign will change.

Can linear equations and linear inequality be solved the same way?

Basically. If the inequality's sign is &lt; or &le;, then you shade the part under the line. If the inequality's sign is &gt; or &ge;, then you shade the part over the line.

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-x &gt; a iff** x &lt; -a This is easy to see intuitively by coloring a number line. ** "if and only if"

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Most of the steps are the same. The main difference is that if you multiply or divide both sides of an inequality by a NEGATIVE number, you must change the direction of the inequality sign (for example, change "less than" to "greater than").

Does the inequality signs change when both sides are multiplied by a negative number in equations?

yes it does

How do you solve the inequality2x -10 6?

This isn't an inequality, since there is no less-than, greater-than, less-than-or-equal, or greater-than-or-equal sign. However, solving inequalities is similar to solving equations; however, when you multiply by a negative number, you must change the direction of the inequality sign.

Why does inequality sign change when both sides are multiplied or divided by a negative number Does this happen with equations why or why not?

I cannot tell you why it changes however it does happen with an equation as most inequalities start off in an equation.

Does an inequality change when you multiply by a negative?

Yes you have to flip the sign.

Can equation and inequality have the same solution?

No, inequalities have more than, less then, at least, or no more than signs. Equations just have equal signs. An inequality answer can't be written as just a number it has to have a sign with it.

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equality does not change signs inequalities do for greater than or less than equations

When you divide both sides of an inequality by a positive value you must change the direction of the inequality sign?

No. Only when you divide by a negative.

How to do inequality?

It's the same thing as solving an equation, the minor difference is to change the inequality sign when the numbers change signs(i.e negative to positive to negative).