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The inequality sign opens towards the bigger number.

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Q: What way does an inequality sign face when it is greater than or equal to?
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What are the critical features of an inequality?

An inequality must have a greater than sign (>) OR a less than sign (<) OR a greater than or equal to sign (≥) OR a less than or equal to sign (≤).

What is the inequality sign for at least?

The sign is "greater than or equal to" or ≥

Is xl7.6x7.0 an inequality?

No. To be an inequality, it must somewhere have a greater than, less than, greater-or-equal, or less-or-equal sign.

If you replace the equal sign of an equation an put an inequality sign in its place is there ever a time when the same value will be a solution to both the equation and inequality?

Yes, when the inequality has a less that or equal to sign, or a greater than sign or equal to sign, then the equal sign can be replaced and get a solution that is common to both the equation and the inequality. There can also be other solutions to the inequality, where as the solution for the equation will be a valid one.

What inequality sign means no less than?

Greater than or equal to

What is the difference between inpuality and equation?

I assume you mean "inequality". An equation has an equal sign; an inequality has one of the inequality signs instead of an equal sign. These signs are: * Greater than * Greater than or equal * Less than * Less than or equal To solve an inequality, the main point to consider is that if you multiply or divide both sides by a negative number, you must invert the inequality sign. For example, if you multiply both sides by (-2), a greater-than sign would need to be changed to a less-than sign.

Is a number an expression equation or inequality?

A number is an expression. It is not an equation, or an inequality, since it doesn't have an equal sign, or an inequality (greater than, less than, etc.) sign.

Find the graph of the inequality y plus 2 -x - 6?


What is the mathematical sentence written with a greater than less than or not equal to sign?

It is an inequality.

What is an inequality greater sign?


What inequality sign no less than?

"No less than" is the same as "greater than or equal": write the greater-than sign, with a line (similar to an underline) underneath.

What does an inequality sign look like?

It is the 'equals' sign with a diagonal slash through it.