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Q: Does the interior and exterior angle of any vertex of a polygon always adds up to 180 degrees?
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What is the sum of interior and exterior angle of a polygon?

The sum of each pair of interior and exterior angles of a polygon is always 180 degrees.

What is The sum of the exterior angles of a docegon?

I think its this.... Find the interior. Then do 180 - the interior. That is the exterior. * * * * * The correct answer is that the sum of the exterior angles of any polygon is always 360 degrees.

What is the sum of exterior angles in a triangle?

The exterior sum of the angles of any polygon including a triangle is always 360 degrees.

What is the relationship between the measure of a central angle of a polygon and the measures of an interior and an exterior angle of the polygon?

The interior angle and central angle are supplementary, that is they always add up to 180 degrees, while the exterior angle and the central angle will always be the same.

If the sum of the interior angles of a regular polygon is 2880 degrees how many sides does this polygon have?

18 Angles on a straight line = 180 degrees interior angles 2880 + exterior angles 360 = 3240 degrees 3240 divided by 180 = 18 sides Note that the exterior sum of angles of any polygon is always 360 degrees.

The sum of the exterior angles of a polygon always?

The exterior angles of a polygon always add up to 360 degrees

What is the sum of the measures of the interior angles of the regular polygon if each exterior measures 120?

Hint: in a regular polygon interior plus exterior = 180o, always.

What is the relationship between interior angles and the sum of the exterior angles of a given polygon?

There isn't one. The sum of the exterior angles is always 360 degrees, the sum of the interior angles varies depending on the number of sides.

What is the measure of each angle of a regular polygon with 7 sides?

A regular polygon has sides of equal length, as well as interior angles of equal measure. But for any regular polygon, the sum of the measures of the exterior angles is 360 degrees. You can use this information to find out the measure of an interior angle, because the sum of the measures of each interior/exterior pair of angles is always 180 degrees. So to find the answer to this problem, divide 360 by 7. Each exterior angle is about 51.4 degrees. Subtract that number from 180. Each interior angle is about 128.6 degrees.

What is the interior angle of a regular dodecagon?

Each interior angle measures 144 degrees* * * * *No! The sum of the exterior angles of a polygon is always 360 degrees - no matter how many sides, So the extrior angle of a regular dodecagon is 360/12 = 30 degrees. Since the interior and exterior angles are supplementary, the interior angle is 180-30 = 150 degrees.

The measure of an interior angle of a regular polygon is 150 degrees Find the number of sides?

AnswerIt is Dodecagon.To find this, you have to first find the exterior angle of the polygon. Since the exterior angle of a polygon is always supplementary to the interior angle, you subtract the measure of the interior angle from 180. 180-150=30. Now You divide 360 by the measure of the exterior angle to get the number of sides of the polygon. 360/30=12. A 12-sided polygon is called a dodecagon

What is the sum of the measurs of the exterior angles of a convex polygon with 17 sides?

360 degrees. The sum of the measures of the exterior angles any convex polygon will always be 360 degrees. The formula for finding the sum of the measures of the interior angles is 180(n-2) when n= the total number of sides the polygon has.