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26 x 999 x 263 ie 456,519,024 (assuming the letters I, O & Q are used and numbers start at 001.)

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Q: European car licenses have one letter 3 numbrs 3 letters how many combinations are there?
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How many 9 letter combinations using 26 alphabet letters?

3,124,550 possible combinations

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How many combinations with 4 letters?

256 iThink * * * * * It depends on combinations of how many. There is 1 combination of 4 letters out of 4, 4 combinations of 3 letters out of 4, 6 combinations of 2 letters out of 4, 4 combinations of 1 letter out of 4. Than makes 15 (= 24-1) in all. Well below the 256 suggested by the previous answer.

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How many three letter combinations can be made from the letters in the word Math?

Four combinations: tam ham mat hat Hope it helps (:!

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No is a word. On is a word.

How many 3 letter combinations?

17,576 possible combinations * * * * * Not quite! This is the total number of permutations of 3 letters out of 26. AAB is counted as being different from ABA or BAA. But these are the same combinations. Thus there are 26 combinations of just one letter. 26*25 combinations of two letters and 26*25*24/(3*2*1) of three. In all, that makes 26 + 650 + 2600 = 3276

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Because there are 7 letters that don't repeat, 7X6X5X4=840 combinations. To give you an idea of how to solve the problem, if there had been 9 letters and you wanted to make combinations of 3 letters, you would multiply: 9X8X7=504

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How many combinations of two letters are possible from three letters?

Starting with three different letters, six two-letter combinations can be made, if the order of the two letters is important. Only three combinations can be made if the order of the two letters is not important. Example: ABC AB AC BA BC CA CB - six variations But if (for your purposes) BA is the same as AB, Then there are only three: AB AC BC

What letters were taken out of the spanish language in the 90's?

Ch (Che) Ll (Elle) Rr (Erre) These are now considered letter combinations. Up until this change the official Epanish alphabet had a different letter for each sound in the language. The Erre, Elle and Che letters were always letter combinations but they were taught as their own letter in school since they have a unique sound.

How many 3 letter combinations in alphabet?

Assuming you can have duplicate letters such as AAA, AAB etc... there are 26 x 26 x 26 combinations - which is a total of 17,576 permutations !