It doesn't matter what method you use, you need at least two numbers to find a GCF.
Find the LCM of the first two numbers and then find the LCM of that number and the third one. That answer will be the LCM of all three.
Short division is a method of dividing numbers where the quotient is written above the division line, the divisor is written outside the division box, and the dividend is written inside the box. The division is done digit by digit, from left to right, to find the quotient and remainder.
by long division
how to find the missing numbers in a division math with only having the answer
quotient is the answer to a division problem so after dividing, to check your answer, you need to take the quotient and multiply it to one of the given numbers.
we have to find compatible numbers
216 ,4587 and 2378
To find twin primes of a given number, iterate through the numbers starting from the given number, and for each number, check if both the number and the number+2 are prime. If they are, then they form a pair of twin primes with the given number.
i don't kniw
The division ladder is a method used to find the greatest common factor (GCF) of two numbers by listing the factors of each number. To find the GCF of 82, you would start by factoring the number 82. The factors of 82 are 1, 2, 41, and 82. Therefore, the GCF of 82 is 1.