Estimate 4883 by 7 and the division problem solved we get 697.57.
first you would have to estimate the division problem once you do that just move your decimal 2 spaces to the right for example if you have four eighths you would round four to five and eight to ten and then you divide
Estimate 4883 by 7 and the division problem solved we get 697.57.
For multiplication or division, the only reasonable estimate is -2.
Either or both.
An estimate is related to a number, not an arithmetic operation. Having said that, the estimate MUST take account of the context of the operations (+-*/).
For multiplication or division it is 0.5For addition or subtraction it depends on the other term(s). If adding to 1234 I would estimate 0.457 as 0 but if adding to 0.0000035 I would estimate it as 0.46
Anything divided by itself equals 1.
For addition or subtraction, 1 but for multiplication or division, 1.25
For multiplication or division, 133.33... or 100*4/3
The word estimate is for a number, irrespective of the arithmetical operation involved. However, how you estimate for a number DOES depend on the operation. For example, if adding (or subtracting) 0.00496 form 123456, I would estimate 0.0049 as 0. But, it multiplying or dividing I would estimate it as 0.005 - it all depends on the context of the arithmetic operation.
You wouldn't have to estimate for addition, subtraction or multiplication. For division, use 30/5 = 6