It is a.
is it 4 inverse of mod 17 or whole inverse? Whole inverse do not make sence, so, ans for the q is 13.
Usually there is an inverse key or( tan -1 )key for this
The answer depends on what you mean by "opposite": whether it is the additive inverse or the multiplicative inverse.
it is used to find the inverse of the matrix. inverse(A)= (adj A)/ mod det A
You can factorize the matrix using LU or LDLT factorization algorithm. inverse of a diagonal matrix (D) is really simple. To find the inverse of L, which is a lower triangular matrix, you can find the answer in this link.www.mcs.csueastbay.edu/~malek/TeX/Triangle.pdfSince (A T )-1 = (A-1 )T for all matrix, you'll just have to find inverse of L and D.
You can factorize the matrix using LU or LDLT factorization algorithm. inverse of a diagonal matrix (D) is really simple. To find the inverse of L, which is a lower triangular matrix, you can find the answer in this link.www.mcs.csueastbay.edu/~malek/TeX/Triangle.pdfSince (A T )-1 = (A-1 )T for all matrix, you'll just have to find inverse of L and D.
You can factorize the matrix using LU or LDLT factorization algorithm. inverse of a diagonal matrix (D) is really simple. To find the inverse of L, which is a lower triangular matrix, you can find the answer in this link.www.mcs.csueastbay.edu/~malek/TeX/Triangle.pdfSince (A T )-1 = (A-1 )T for all matrix, you'll just have to find inverse of L and D.
The answer depends on what you mean by "opposite": whether it is the additive inverse or the multiplicative inverse.
The fact that the matrix does not have an inverse does not necessarily mean that none of the variables can be found.
The definition of an multipilicative inverse is a number that's times by the known number to attain a product of one. To find the multiplicative inverse is the same thing as the recipricol of the number. To find the multiplicitive inverse or recipricol of a number, first turn the number into a fraction, then switch the numerator and denominator around. The result is your multiplicitive inverse.