Multiply 11 by 18 and multiply that total by 2 and 3.
You have to have two different numbers to find common multiples
Multiply 11 by 18 and multiply that total by successive counting numbers.
The numbers must total 888/8 ie 111. The middle number is 1/3 of 111 ie 37 so the three numbers are 36, 37 and 38 and multiples are 288, 296 and 304.
8, 12, 16 to find multiples, just add 4 any number of times.
you multiply them together
42, 84, 126
To find its multiples!To find its multiples!To find its multiples!To find its multiples!
Find the LCM. That's one. Multiply it by 2 and 3.
You find the least comon multiples of the fractions' denominators.