35 5X7 = 35
The Least Common Multiple (LCM) for 3 5 7 8 is 840.
The first common multiple of 4, 5, and 10 is their least common multiple (LCM), which is the smallest number that is a multiple of all three numbers. The LCM of 4, 5, and 10 is 20. The next common multiple would be the next multiple of 20, which is 40. The third common multiple would be the next multiple of 20, which is 60.
There is no greatest common multiple: for whatever value you say is the greatest I can always add their lowest common multiple and get an even greater common multiple.There is a greatest common FACTOR and a LOWEST common multiple:gcf(5, 6) = 1lcm(5, 6) = 30
The first one is 5x1=5 the next is 5x2=10 The number itself is always the first multiple. This is important because when finding a common multiple, one needs to consider the number itself as a multiple Example: Find the least common multiple of 5 and 10, the answer is 10 since it is a multiple of itself and 5xs2 is 10.
the answer is 70!!
70, 140, 210, etc.
The first common multiple of 5 and 8 is 40 (5x8=40; 8x5=40).