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Q: Galileo reasoned that the distance a freely falling object travels is proportional to the square of the time true or false?
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Who founded experimentally that the speed of a falling object is not proportional to its weight?

Galileo Galilei

Is an increase in kinetic energy directly proportional to the time it takes for an object to fall slash distance it falls?

The kinetic energy of a falling object is directly proportional to the distance it falls.But the distance is not directly proportional to the time in fall, so the KE is not directly proportionalto the time either.

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Why the velocities of falling bodies are not proportional to their weights?

What is Galileo's law of odd numbers?

Galileo (1564-1642) was the first to determine, at the start of the seventeenth century, the law of constant acceleration of free-falling bodies. The law states that the distances traveled are proportional to the squares of the elapsed times. In other words, in equal successive periods of time, the distances traveled by a free-falling body are proportional to the succession of odd numbers (1, 3, 5, 7, etc.).

What is Galileo theory of falling object and how did he test it?

Galileo dropped it from a tower in then it feel at the same rate

Who studied the behavior of falling bodies and formulated laws covering the behavior of these object?

Galileo Galileo

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Does an object on free fall increase in distance proportional?

an object free falling would continue to gain speed until met by a balanced force i.e. the ground

Who is the scientist that studied falling bodies?

Sir Isaac Newton and Galileo both studied the effects of gravity on falling bodies.

What was Galileo's most important theory?

he was most famous for his "law of falling bodies"

What was Galileo's hypothesis in the falling objects?

The rate at which an object falls, is independent of its mass.