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How about the distance travelled when you are accelerating at a constant rate? eg falling under the influence of gravity?

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Q: Is there a relationship between quadratic function and the real life?
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Where can i find a real-life application of a quadratic function?

Quadratic functions are used to describe free fall.

What are the pros and cons of the quadratic equation?

Pros: There are many real life situations in which the relationship between two variables is quadratic rather than linear. So to solve these situations quadratic equations are necessary. There is a simple equation to solve any quadratic equation. Cons: Pupils who are still studying basic mathematics will not be told how to solve quadratic equations in some circumstances - when the solutions lie in the Complex field.

Real life example of a quadratic function?

Using your ICE table in doing equilibrium calculations of concentrations in chemistry yields a quadratic function. X = Vot +(1/2)at2 is an equation of kinematics in physics.

Real life application of a quadratic function?

I think its the dropping of a golf ball off a building! This is because the formula for velocity when something is dropped is a quadratic formula, that is of degree 2.

How does the quadratic function related to your daily life?

The quadratic equation has many application related to resolving and modelling daily life problems. two examples are in archery and rifle sports. The trajectory of the projectile can follow a ballistic arc. The arc itself can be explained and graphically illustrated by the quadratic equation.

To find a real life application of a quadratic function?

When you are trying to find the unknown concentrations in equilibrium reaction ( chemistry ) the result if the ICE table set up devolves into a quadratic equation. Happens in physics to.

Can you give you a example of quadratic function graph in daily life?

St. Louis Arch is an example of a quadratic graph. Umm... many arches are actually *catenaries*, visually indistinguishable from a parabola - this answer should be checked for accuracy.

What are quadratic functions used for in everyday life?

Anything involving a square law automatically invokes a quadratic function by definition, even if the equations is as simple as y = x^2, such as the area of a square (hence the names). At a more advanced level, quadratic and higher-order functions crop up in all manner of real-life science and engineering problems.

What are the basic idea about quadratic function derive from zero?

Convention says that they are quoted as being equal to zero. It makes life FAR easier that way.

What is the relationship between arts and life?

Life imitates art.

What does form and function mean in life science?

In life science, form refers to the physical structure or characteristics of an organism, while function refers to the specific role or purpose that a structure or characteristic serves in the organism's survival or reproduction. Understanding the relationship between form and function is essential for studying how organisms have evolved to adapt to their environments.

What is the use of quadratic formula if it is not used into real life?

The question is based on the false assumption that the quadratic formula is not used in daily life. Wrong, it IS!