

Best Answer

You have not given a decimal value.

However, to convert decimals to fractions

Taking say 0.25 .Since there two zeroes place the decimal over '1.00'. Hence,

0.25 / 1.00

Cancel down the decimal point


Cancel down by '25'

1/4 The answer.

For decimals to three/four etc decimals places, place over three/four etc. zeroes.

This is good for finite decimals. However for recurring to infinity decimals e,g,


We say : -

Let P = 0.4444....

Multiply through by '10'


10P = 4.4444....

We then subtract the first decimal from the second.

Hence 10P - P = 4.444... - 0.444...

9P = 4 (NB the recurring decimals subtract to zero.

Hence P = 4/9

For such a decimal as pi = 3.141592.... This is an IRRATIONAL decimal, which means it cannot be converted into a ratio (fraction). Such values as 22/7 = 3.1428... is only an APPROXIMATION , not an equality.


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Hunter Pierce

Lvl 3
1y ago

well it depends on how long the decimal is cause if it's too big then Google can't turn it into a fraction

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kennedy munda

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