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Well as a matter of fact Egyptian fractions can only be unit fractions with different denomitnators. They will never do 1/2+1/2=1 instead they would us the mehod /i explained.

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Q: How are Egyptian fractions different from your system of fractions?
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Related questions

How long have Egyptian fractions been used?

Egyptian fractions were first used 3500 years ago.

How do you do Egyptian fractions?

its just using fractions but not more than once to make other fractions

When were Egyptian fractions used?


What were the Egyptian contributions to other civilizations?

a number system based on ten, fractions and whole numbers, geometry to measure land, and the calendar.

When were Egyptian fractions first used?


What number system is better fractions decimals or percents?

Different representation are better for different purposes.

What are the differences between Egyptian fractions and modern fractions?

i have o frikin idea i was just asking

How long were Egyptian fractions used?

3,500 years

What is a dissimilar fractions?

Dissimilar fractions are fractions that have different denominators.

How do Egyptian fractions work?

The idea behind Egyptian fractions is to write any fraction as the sum of unit fractions which are fractions with the number 1 in the numerator, like 1/2 or 1/3. The catch is all the fractions have to be different. This means no two fractions with the same denominator can be added. So we write 2/3 but that is not a unit fraction. You cannot write it as 1/3+1/3 using Egyptian fractions because the violates the repeating the fraction rule. Saying 3/4 = 1/2 + 1/4 is totally OK. The reason they are worth understanding and studying, other than their pure beauty, is they allow you to compare fractions easier than our current system. They also allow you to divide things up into parts more easily than our current system. So since we cannot write 2/3 as 1/3 + 1/3 how do we write it? We write it as 1/6 +1/2. One common notation for this Egyptian fraction is [2,6]. Using this notation, here are a few others: 2/3= [2,6]2/5= [3,15]2/7= [4,28] Now that you see what they are, let me explain what I meant about dividing and comparing. If I write 5/8 as 1/2+1/8 and I want to divide 5 things among 8 people, each would get 1/2 and 1//8. That is 5/8 and 8 ( 5/8)=5 . It is as simple as that. In general if I have m things to divide among n people, I write m/n as an Egyptian fraction and each person gets that fractions worth of the thing I am dividing. When we compare fractions we usually have to either convert them to decimals or create fractions with a common denominator. With Egyptian fractions, this is not necessary. You write the numbers as Egyptian fractions and then keep doing that with the fractions you have until you can compare the two. You get the added advantage of seeing just how much bigger or smaller one number is from the other.

What is disimiliar fraction?

Dissimilar fractions have different denominators.

What are Fractions that have different denominators?

unlike fractions