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Q: How long were Egyptian fractions used?
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How long have Egyptian fractions been used?

Egyptian fractions were first used 3500 years ago.

When were Egyptian fractions used?


When were Egyptian fractions first used?


How do you do Egyptian fractions?

its just using fractions but not more than once to make other fractions

How are Egyptian fractions different from your system of fractions?

Well as a matter of fact Egyptian fractions can only be unit fractions with different denomitnators. They will never do 1/2+1/2=1 instead they would us the mehod /i explained.

How long were fractions used?

Fractions are still used, such as 1/2 and 1/4. It's used for about 350 years.

What are the differences between Egyptian fractions and modern fractions?

i have o frikin idea i was just asking

What is the significance of the Eye of Horus in ancient Egyptian fractions?

The Eye of Horus was a symbol used in ancient Egyptian fractions to represent different parts of a whole. Each part of the eye represented a specific fraction, making it easier for the Egyptians to perform calculations and measurements. This symbol helped them in various aspects of daily life, such as building, trade, and agriculture.

What is the significance of the Horus eye fractions in ancient Egyptian mythology and culture?

The Horus eye fractions, also known as the Eye of Horus, were symbols of protection, healing, and power in ancient Egyptian mythology and culture. They were believed to bring good luck and ward off evil spirits. The fractions represented different parts of the eye, each with its own meaning and significance. The Eye of Horus was also associated with the god Horus, who was a symbol of kingship and protection in Egyptian mythology. Overall, the Horus eye fractions held great importance in ancient Egyptian beliefs and rituals.

Where are fractions used?

fractions are used in almost everything we do

What Egyptian transport were used for long distances?

i am pretty sure that camels were used for log distances in Egypt.

How are fractions used in music?

The answer is rather long and involved. It would help if you could narrow the question a little.