They usually have a denominator of 1 although numerators of 1 are also possible.
Unit fractions are those fractions where the numerator is 1.
Thus they are different to whole numbers in that when whole numbers are written as a fraction the 1 is in the denominator whereas in a unit fraction the 1 is written in the numerator.
What is a fraction in which the numerator and denominator represent the same amount but are in different units?
It is a ratio.
A rate is a fraction that compares two quantities measured in different units. If the denominator of the fraction is 1 unit, the rate is called a unit rate.
Probably a conversion rate.
In a fraction they must be in the same units. In a ratio they need not be.
A fraction that compares two quantities measured in different units. i know this is the correct answer
A unit conversion ratio
This could be any fraction where the denominator and the numerator are different. For example, 1/2, 3/7, 15/8......and so on. In algebraic terms this would be written x/y where x ≠ y
Nothing happens to the fraction.
It is the denominator
A conversion factor is a fraction that is always equal to 1. This allows you to convert between different units by multiplying the quantity you have by the conversion factor.