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The moles are converted into a number of particles by multiplying 6.02 by 10(with the power of 23)

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Q: How are moles converted into number of particles?
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Do the coefficients in a chemical equation represent not only the number of individual particles but also the number of moles of particles?

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The number of atoms is identical.

What is 2.20 moles of sn?

The number 2.20 moles converted in Sn would be 2161.14. This is taugh in biology.

What are the two meanings of coefficent in chemical equation?

Number of moles or number of particles.

How do you do mass to particles?

By particles, I assume you mean atoms. Firstly, you divide mass by molecular mass to get moles. Then multiply moles by avagadros number to get amount of atoms

What are the molar conversions between moles and representative particles?

avagadros number

How many particles in 2 moles?

One mole of particles is equal to 6.022 x 1023 of those particles. 2 moles would simply be that number times 2.12.044 * 1023 = 1.2044 x 1024

What is 2.20 moles of Sn converted into mass grams?

The number 2.20 moles of Sn equals 261.14 grams. This is a taught in biology.

How many particles in 25.9 mol Fe?

Number of particles=number of moles x avogadro constant = 25.9 x 6.02 x 1023

What is the number of representative particles that are present in 0.20 moles?

0,2 moles contain approx. 1,2.10e+23 atoms, molecules etc.