The question presumes that math classes are not part of the real world, which is debatable. The GCF can be used to simplify fractions. Carpenters and chefs use fractions in practical, non-academic settings.
fractions are used in the English system of mesurement (inches, feet, pounds, etc.)
It is a simple way of doing so.
We can use fractions to name a lot of things. Ok, in the world of Math, it's trivial, it is used to name it's value. So what about the real world? You can discuss half or a pie you just ate, you just ate 1/2 of a pie. I broke my pencil in exactly 4 piece identical in length, I have 4 pieces of 1/4 of a pencil. etc.
fractions are used in almost everything we do
Number factors help find common denominators in fractions and reducing fractions. In algebra they are used to find the answers to higher level equations like quadratics.
a cube because its used in the real world plus its not a polygon
E means Electronic in this real world of technology
there are fractions in whole steps
There are three types of fractions that are used in mathematics. The three types of fractions are, mixed fractions, proper fractions, and improper fractions.