Electronic circuitry used in computing circuits works well with circuits that can have two states. It could be On (voltage present) or Off (0 volts), or perhaps magnetized towards North, or magnetized South. Or something like positive voltage, and negative voltages. This lends itself to using the binary number system to be represented by these circuit states. That is why computers use the binary number system.
Binary fission is best applied to describe the asexual reproduction process in which a single parent cell divides into two identical daughter cells. This term is commonly used in reference to prokaryotic organisms such as bacteria, which reproduce by binary fission.
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz published a paper in 1703, which documented the base-2, or binary number system. There were other earlier uses of base-2 numbers, but Leibniz is given credit for the binary system in use, today. I found several articles, but the Wikipedia article is probably the best one that I came across. See related link.
Very large or very small ones.
They are the best numbers for computers to use. In simple terms, as computers are electronic they use electronic currents, which can be on or off, like a light switch. 1 and 0, which are the only digits binary has, can be used to represent these two states. Binary forms the basis to all computer memory and operations.
Addition and subtraction are examples of arithmetic operations, specifically binary operations. These operations involve combining two numbers to produce a single result. In mathematics, addition is considered an operation that combines two numbers to find their sum, while subtraction is an operation that finds the difference between two numbers. Both addition and subtraction are fundamental operations in arithmetic and are used extensively in various mathematical applications.
There is no single word to describe it. The best phraseis "a prime decomposition" of the product.
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Binary, or division.
Applications of what? On Windows, for example, you can create Windows-applications in C.
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Binary operations.