If the angle between the lines is 90 degrees the lines are perpendicular.
Parallel lines run in the same direction. If they are intersected by one line and that line is perpendicular to both, then it proves that the lines run parallel to each other.
Two lines that meet at a right angle are called perpendicular.Two lines that meet at a right angle are also called normal.Two lines that meet at a right angle are also called orthogonal.
4 perpendicular lines (Assume that it is perpendicular)----> # 2 lines intersected made 4 right angles. 4 lines make 16 right angles. 4*4=16
It's a transversal! Minimum induction will occur between the transmission lines using this configuration.
Yes if the two lines intersected are parallel lines
It looks like a ladder with only one step, a railroad track with only one tie, or the upper-case letter ' H '.
They all have cross sections that remain constant when intersected by a plane perpendicular to their lengths.
= parallel + perpendicular As such no, perpendicular lines do not naturally have parallel lines. However...connect the lines in the symbols below. ++ ++ And you'll have 4 perpendicular lines, and 4 parallel lines.