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The answer depends on the nature of the inequality: whether it is linear, quadratic or has some other functional form.

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Q: How can the change in x affect the change in y in a inequality?
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"y - x + 1" is not an inequality. It is a simple expression. If you want something like "y - x + 1 > 0" that would be an inequality. Rephrase and resubmit.

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The Cauchy-Schwartz inequality is a mathematical inequality. It states that for all vectors x and y of an inner product space, the dot product of x and y squares is less than or equal to the dot product of x to itself multiplied by y to itself.

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It is commutative: If x is not equal to y then y is not equal to x. It is not reflexive, not transitive.

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The shaded area of the graph of an inequality show the solution to the inequality. For example, if the area below y = x is shaded it is showing those ordered pairs which solve y < x.

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|X| < y where y is non-negative, is equivalent to -X > -y and X < y.One way to think about it is that the distance of X from the origin - irrespective of direction - is less than y.

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y - x - 3 is an expression, not an equation nor an inequality. It cannot, therefore, have a solution.

Is Inequality an equivalence relation?

No. It is not transitive. x &acirc;&permil;&nbsp; y and y &acirc;&permil;&nbsp; z does not imply that x &acirc;&permil;&nbsp; z

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You cannot solve x plus y since that is an expression, not an equation (nor inequality).

What is different between absolute and percentage change?

If a variable goes from X to Y, change = Y-X.The absolute change = Y-X or X-Y, whichever is positive.The percentage change = 100*Change/X = 100*(Y-X)/X or 100*(Y/X - 1)

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The solution of a linear inequality in two variables like Ax + By &gt; C is an ordered pair (x, y) that produces a true statement when the values of x and y are substituted into the inequality.

What inequality means no less than?

The &gt; symbol represents less than. For example, x&gt;y represents x is greater than y.