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Q: How can you Write 0.272727 as a ratio of two whole numbers?
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How do you write 5.9 to 100 as a ratio of whole numbers using fractional notation?

It is 59/1000.

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50 : 45 = 10/9

Can a whole number be expressed as a quotient ratio or integers?

Every whole number can be expressed as the quotient or ratio of other whole numbers, and whole numbers ARE integers.

What is anouther name for rational and irrational numbers?

Another name for 'rational' is "numbers that are equal to the ratio of two whole numbers". Another name for 'irrational' is "numbers that are not equal to the ratio of any two whole numbers".

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Write 2 ways in which whole numbers and decimal numbers are different

Are all irrational numbers whole numbers?

No, none are irrational. All whole numbers are rational.If you think you have a whole number that is irrational, we'll call it q.q/ 1 is a ratio, i.e. it is rational. It is also equal to q.

What is the definition of whole to whole ratio?

It is the ratio of one whole number to another whole number, which may be expressed as a fraction. The ratio (or fraction) may be simplified by dividing both numbers by the greatest common factor.

What numbers cannot be made into a ratio?

An irrational number refers to one that can not be written as a ratio, or fraction, between two whole numbers.

What is a whole ratio?

Just whole numbers - like 2 to 1, or 3 to 1.

Can a rational number be written as a fraction?

Yes, by definition. A rational number is one that can be written as a ratio (hence rational) of two whole numbers. And a ratio of two whole numbers is a fraction.

Are all rational numbers whole numbers prove your answer?

No, they are not. 1/2 is a ratio of two integers and so it is rational. But it is not a whole number.