Write 2 ways in which whole numbers and decimal numbers are different
To write 213 as a decimal, you simply write it as 213.0. This is because whole numbers can be represented as decimals by adding a decimal point and a zero after the number. Therefore, 213 as a decimal is 213.0.
The main difference is that with whole numbers the decimal point is "hiding" (after the last digit of each whole number) whereas with decimal numbers it is clearly visible. In both cases the numbers are added with the decimal points aligned - with whole numbers there are no digits after the decimal points so the decimal points are not written, but if they were they would be visible after the last digit of the whole numbers and they would be automatically aligned; with decimal numbers there may be a different number of digits after each decimal point so it is up to the person doing the arithmetic to ensure the decimal points are aligned.
Decimals are used to describe parts of a number, something in between two whole numbers. Tenths, halves, eights etc. But 108 is only whole numbers, so there's nothing there to use a decimal for.
You can't change a whole number to a decimal. A decimal and a whole number are both numbers. A decimal is just a number lower than a whole number, or a number in between two whole numbers.
To write 9.75 as a decimal, you simply write the whole number part followed by a decimal point and then the decimal part. Therefore, 9.75 can be written as 9.75 in decimal form.
Whole numbers are a proper subset of decimal numbers. All whole numbers are decimal numbers but not all decimal numbers are whole numbers.
As the 82 are whole numbers, it is 82.00 as a decimal
To write 48 as a decimal, you simply write it as "48.0" or "48.00". This is because whole numbers can be represented as decimals by adding a decimal point and zeros after the whole number. So, 48 as a decimal is 48.0 or 48.00.
it has helped people say and write numbers in between whole numbers
All whole numbers are decimal numbers.
The difference is that all whole numbers are decimal numbers, but not all decimal numbers are whole numbers. For example a whole number such as 1 is a decimal number but a decimal number such as 1.5 is not a whole number.
To write 213 as a decimal, you simply write it as 213.0. This is because whole numbers can be represented as decimals by adding a decimal point and a zero after the number. Therefore, 213 as a decimal is 213.0.
The main difference is that with whole numbers the decimal point is "hiding" (after the last digit of each whole number) whereas with decimal numbers it is clearly visible. In both cases the numbers are added with the decimal points aligned - with whole numbers there are no digits after the decimal points so the decimal points are not written, but if they were they would be visible after the last digit of the whole numbers and they would be automatically aligned; with decimal numbers there may be a different number of digits after each decimal point so it is up to the person doing the arithmetic to ensure the decimal points are aligned.
The different names for Numbers are defined as Natural numbers, whole numbers , real numbers, decimal numbers, integers, rational numbers and irrational numbers.
Whole numbers are ones without fractional parts (ie no decimal points) eg 1 22 33 99 7654 1000000000
The purpose is to separate whole numbers from fractional parts of whole numbers.