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If a graph is a function, it will always have y=... or x=... (or anoher letter equals an equation) for example y= 3x-12 is a function

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Q: How can you define when the Graph is Function or not?
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Is a circle graph a function?

No, a circle graph is never a function.

Can you explain what convex function is?

The term convex function is used in mathematics. It is used to define an interval where the line segment between two points is above the graph, this can both be downward or upward.

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A zero of a function is a point at which the value of the function is zero. If you graph the function, it is a point at which the graph touches the x-axis.

What is a vertical line test in math?

The Vertical Line Test for Functions: If any vertical line intercepts a graph in more than one point, the graph does not define y as a function of x. By the definition of a function, for each value of x we can have at most one value for y.

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The scale is the numerical system that is used to define the axis of a graph.

How can you tell if a graph is a sine function or a cosine function?

sine graph will be formed at origine of graph and cosine graph is find on y-axise

Can a line be the graph of a function?

Yes the graph of a function can be a vertical or a horizontal line

Can a line be a graph of a function?

Yes the graph of a function can be a vertical or a horizontal line

How is the function differentiable in graph?

If the graph of the function is a continuous line then the function is differentiable. Also if the graph suddenly make a deviation at any point then the function is not differentiable at that point . The slope of a tangent at any point of the graph gives the derivative of the function at that point.

How can you tell if a graph is a function?

The vertical line test can be used to determine if a graph is a function. If two points in a graph are connected with the help of a vertical line, it is not a function. If it cannot be connected, it is a function.

How do you determine if an equation in x and y define y as a function of x?

The graphical way is probably the simplest. Draw a graph of the equation. Hold a ruler parallel to the y axis and slide it from left to right. If, at any point, the ruler touches the graph at more than one point then you do not have a function.

What is the definition for vertical line test in the subject math?

The Vertical Line Test for Functions: If any vertical line intercepts a graph in more than one point, the graph does not define y as a function of x. By the definition of a function, for each value of x we can have at most one value for y.