Rational numbers are numbers that can be written as a fraction. Irrational Numbers cannot be expressed as a fraction.
If a number can be expressed as a fraction then it is a rational number
All whole numbers are rational. Any rational number divided by another (non-zero) rational number is a rational number.
If it can be expressed as a fraction then it is rational if not then it is irrational
If you can write down the number completely, using digits, decimals, and fractions, then it's rational.
A number does not have a range and domain, a function does.
Since it has a finite number of decimals, it is rational. (An infinite number of decimals, that repeats regularly, is also rational - for example, 1/7 = 0.142857 142857 142857...)
If it can't be expressed as a fraction then it is an irrational number
It isn't always possible to determine. For example, it is unknown whether the Euler-Mascheroni constant (0.5772156649...) is rational or irrational.Most famous numbers and constants are known to be rational or irrational. If it can be expressed as a fraction a/b where a and b are integers, it's rational.
A decimal is a rational number if it ever ends, or if it repeats the same single digit or set of digits forever.
You cannot. There is no way to determine if the number has or has not been rounded and so no way to determine if the number is a terminating, repeating or other form of decimal number. Without that information you cannot tell if it is rational.
It is a rational number. It can be written as a fraction.