By dividing number of its sides into 360 will give you the exterior angle.
180-interior angle = exterior angle If it's a regular polygon then: 360/number of sides = exterior angle
360/exterior angle = number of sides of a regular polygon
By dividing the number of its sides into 360 degrees
Divide the number of sides into 360 which will give you the exterior angle and subtract this angle from 180 which will give you the interior angle.
If its a regular polygon then 180-interior angle and divide the answer into 360 which will give the number of sides of the polygon.
120 you can find the angle of any regular polygon by using this formula...n is the number of sides ((n*180)-360)/n
With a regular polygon: 360/exterior angle = number of sides
It will have 10 equal sides
360/number of sides and deduct the quotient from 180 which will give the measure of each interior angle
360/18 = 20 sides