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The law of conservation of mass states mass= density times volume

The definition of density=mass/volume

multiply the density and the volume! =mass

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Q: How can you find the mass of an object if the volume of the object and the density of the liquid is known?
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How do you find mass if density and displacement are known?

Measure the amount of liquid that is displaced by the object in question (you will probably need a graduated cylinder). The amount of liquid displaced is the volume of the object. Then, since you have the volume of the object, you can find the mass of the object. Mass=Density x Volume.

How the density of a regular and irregular objects determined?

Weigh the object. Determine the volume. Divide the mass by the volume to get the density. To get the volume of an irregular shaped object can be challenging especially if there are cavities (holes) in it. submersion in a liquid or powder of known volume might be possible. Measure the difference in the volume of the liquid and the liquid + the object (making sure the object is entirely below the surface of the liquid and that any cavities are filled).

How can you measure the density of non uniform object.?

it can be measured if the mass of the object is known,,by imerging it into a known density and volume of liquid-like substance like water, now measure the displacement which give clue on it uniform volume. Then divide its mass by its volume. The result is now the the density of the non uniform object.

The amount of mass an object has per its volume is known as .?

Density = Mass/Volume

What is the formula for calculating density if the mass and volume of an object are known?

The object's density = (its mass) divided by (its volume)

What are 2 ways to find the volume of an object?

Derive from measurements of length, breadth, height, radius, diameter etc. Measure the volume of displaced liquid when the object is submerged. If the object is of a material of known density (or specific gravity), weigh it and calculate volume from volume = mass/density.

If the density and volume of an object is known what can also be found?

If you know the density and the volume, you can calculate the mass. This is becausedensity = mass/volume.

The mass of a known volume of a substance?

u will need the density. density = mass / volume so mass = volume x density

What devices can you use to find the volume and density of substances?

volume: put the object into a known volume of water and measure the difference (achrimedes) for density divide the volume by the weight

What technique is used to find Density of liquids?

Find the mass of a known volume of the liquid and use the formula mass/volume to find the density.

How do you determine the volume of an irregularly shaped object like a mineral?

Submerge the object in a known volume of liquid within a container with graduation markings. Carefully turn the object to release and trapped gases from concavities. Measure the new volume of liquid with the object submerged and subtract the original volume. The difference is the volume of the irregularly shaped object. If the object is buoyant, choose a lower density liquid or hold the object beneath the surface with a rod or rods, noting the length of rod(s) submerged at the time of the second fluid measurement, then subtract the volume of rod submerged from the difference in the two fluid volumes.

How do you calculate the volume of an irregular 3D object if you know the surface area of one side and the height?

If the object is irregular you have no hope of calculating its volume from any known dimensions. The easiest way to find its volume is to fill a container full of a liquid (with which the object will not react). Submerge the object in the liquid and collect the liquid displaced. The volume of the displaced liquid, which should be easily measurable, will be the same as that of the object.