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The law of conservation of mass states mass= density times volume

The definition of density=mass/volume

multiply the density and the volume! =mass

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Q: How can you find the mass of an object if the volume of the object and the density of the liquid is known?
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How the density of a regular and irregular objects determined?

The density of a regular object can be determined by dividing the object's mass by its volume. For an irregular object, its density can be found by dividing its mass by the displacement of water when the object is submerged, also known as the buoyant force.

How can you measure the density of non uniform object.?

it can be measured if the mass of the object is known,,by imerging it into a known density and volume of liquid-like substance like water, now measure the displacement which give clue on it uniform volume. Then divide its mass by its volume. The result is now the the density of the non uniform object.

If the density and volume of an object is known what can also be found?

If the density and volume of an object are known, you can also find its mass. Mass is calculated by multiplying the density by the volume of the object.

The amount of mass an object has per its volume is known as .?

Density = Mass/Volume

What are 2 ways to find the volume of an object?

Derive from measurements of length, breadth, height, radius, diameter etc. Measure the volume of displaced liquid when the object is submerged. If the object is of a material of known density (or specific gravity), weigh it and calculate volume from volume = mass/density.

What is the formula for calculating density if the mass and volume of an object are known?

The object's density = (its mass) divided by (its volume)

How do you find mass if density and displacement are known?

Mass can be calculated by multiplying density and displacement. The formula for calculating mass is mass = density × displacement. Make sure units are consistent when plugging in values for density and displacement (e.g. g/cm^3 for density and cm^3 for displacement to get the mass in grams).

How and why would you use a beaker to measure the density of an object?

To measure the density of an object using a beaker, you would first fill the beaker with a known volume of liquid. Next, you would measure the initial volume of the liquid in the beaker and record it. Then, you would carefully lower the object into the beaker and measure the new volume of the liquid. The difference in volume of the liquid before and after adding the object divided by the mass of the object will give you the density.

Measuring the density of objects in liquids?

To measure the density of objects in liquids, you can first measure the mass of the object using a scale. Then, immerse the object in a known volume of the liquid and measure the increase in volume. Finally, calculate the density using the formula: density = mass/volume.

The mass of a known volume of a substance?

u will need the density. density = mass / volume so mass = volume x density

What is the amount of mass of an object compared to its volume?

The amount of mass of an object compared to its volume is known as density. It is a measure of how much mass is contained in a given volume of the object. Density is calculated by dividing the mass of the object by its volume.

How can you find the mass of an object if the volume is known but not the density?

To find the mass of an object when the volume is known but not the density, you will need to multiply the volume of the object by the density. If the density is not known, you won't be able to determine the mass without additional information. Density is mass per unit volume, so without that value, the mass cannot be calculated with just volume information.