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If the object is irregular you have no hope of calculating its volume from any known dimensions. The easiest way to find its volume is to fill a container full of a liquid (with which the object will not react). Submerge the object in the liquid and collect the liquid displaced. The volume of the displaced liquid, which should be easily measurable, will be the same as that of the object.

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Q: How do you calculate the volume of an irregular 3D object if you know the surface area of one side and the height?
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How do you calculate volume for an irregular object?

Partition (or divide) the irregular object into summation of regular objects and then calculate the volume.

How would you calculate the volume of an irregular piece of rock?

[object Object]

How do you calculate volume for a regular AND irregular shaped object?

Depends on the shape. Basically, multiply the length times the width times the height, but there are many ways to do that.

What is the formula to calculate the volume of irregular object?

water displacement

What technique used to calculate the volume of an irregular object?

Water displacement

how do you note size of an object?

You can note the size of an object by using standard units like inches, centimeters, or meters to measure its length, width, and height. For irregular shapes, you can use formulas to calculate the volume or surface area. Additionally, you can provide a visual reference by comparing the object's size to common objects or using descriptive terms like small, medium, or large.

What are the 3 problems of irregular solid?

Difficulty in calculating volume: Irregular solids have complex shapes that do not have simple geometric formulas to calculate their volume. Inaccurate measurements: Due to their irregular shape, measuring the dimensions of irregular solids can be challenging and may lead to inaccurate calculations. Limited surface area formulas: Unlike regular solids, irregular solids do not have standard surface area formulas, making it harder to calculate their surface area.

How do you calculate the volume of an i regular object?

To calculate the volume of a regular object, you can typically use geometric formulas specific to the shape of the object. For example, the volume of a cube is calculated by V = s^3, where s is the length of one side. For a cylinder, the volume is calculated using V = πr^2h, where r is the radius of the base and h is the height. Just apply the appropriate formula for the shape of the object you are working with.

How do you calculate the capacity of an irregular object?

To calculate the capacity of an irregular object, you can use the displacement method by submerging the object in a liquid and measuring the volume of liquid displaced. Alternatively, you can use a geometric method by dividing the object into regular shapes, calculating their individual volumes, and then summing them up.

How do you calculate the volume of an irregular cone?

To calculate the volume of an irregular cone, you can use the formula V = (1/3) * A * h, where A is the base area of the cone and h is the height of the cone. First, find the area of the base, then multiply it by the height and divide by 3 to get the volume.

What did Archimedes find?

He discovered the method to calculate the volume of a irregular object (rock).

How do you calculate a small irregular object like a nut or bolt?

By using a micrometer